The first day of intercession was a rude awakening when we had all that math to do and learn before we could do anything. And to make it worst I wasn't even in a group with people that I would not want to normally hang out with. I like that we got to experience all different types of tools so that we would have known all the different ways of carpentry. After awhile I started to have a lot of fun with everybody and love to see our GaGa pit start to form. I also liked that everyone got along with each other no one was putting each other down. I loved when we got together and played GaGa and we all had fun. We all had our ups and downs and we got through it by helping each other out. It was really hard for me doing all that nailing and measuring correctly the right way such as cutting at a angle. After all I loved my intercession a lot.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Day 7`
Well first to do 27 times 2 because that is all the pieces height together. Then you have to DO the same thing just 27 times 4 and that is the width of all the pieces. Then the height willl be 54-inches and the width will be 108-inches. The biggest challenge while I was working today was that sanding down the board down again because we messed up on our picture and we had to re paint everything but we had to sand first. What I first did was start sanding in one place in till I got it to the place were it needed to go . Then when that wasn't working I went around asking for help from other people so that I could get it done. Then after everything was sanded we had to repaint everything blue and make the design on the computer so that we could trace it and make it professional looking. My work plan for tomorrow will be to get done with painting and get the design done on my board. Then I will sit done withe the corn hole group and find out how tall the swing out piece of wood needs to be. THen we have to construct what we just talked about and make the actual corn sacs that we will be playing with then we will be done maybe tomorrow.
Posted by mike at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Day 6
Some problems that I faced today was that it took for ever to tape off every thing that we needed to paint to get everything done. We still have to make the swing out door that it has height so that the corn sac slides on the board. I overcame this problem by taking my time and making sure all my lines are neat and accurate so when the paint is on there it's not off. But even though it was really hot today I really liked that the way the corn hole is taking place in our play space,
Posted by mike at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Day 5
The favorite part in to todays project is that we got to say that we were done with all the hammering and sanding and got our designs on the boards. That took the hole day to do because we had to come up with a professional designing and also looks good.We also had to do the hole the right way and get every piece of the wood sanded down to be smooth as a baby bottom. Some changelings we had to today was that we had to keep changing our design to become the right way and it took forever to sand both the boards down the right way so that the paint will go on the right way.
Posted by mike at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Day 4
The first thing that I faced while was constuting the corn hole pits it was very hot all day there was no shade any where to go under for. I had to slow down on what I was doing so that I wouldn't faint or catch a nose bleed. Also tryed to crank everything out so that I could go inside and not have to worry about the heat. But I am very proud about all the hammering and the way my corn hole board was coming along how all the sides were pretty even and was some thing to bring home to mom. The last two steps that we need to do become finsh with this project, and that is that is making the hole and painting our designs on the boards. The hole is important thing and toke along thing to make and that is what makes that the game.
Posted by mike at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Day 3
The first day of intercession was kind of boring mainly because it was all review of what we need to learn how to do. I can say now it was very hard at first to know what was need of us in the intercession. An d it was also hard to vizulize what we were going to build. At first I didn't like my group but when we started working together it started to get better. On the second day it was pretty fun working with the hand saws a good experience for me and know I what it would have been like trying to cut alot of wood. I also loved that we had those talkers come in and give a heads up on what was in store to come. I also loved that i got to use the miter saw and feel the rush just like all my others peers. And i feel that I have to watch what I say and do because I am a leader and every body sees what I do.
Posted by mike at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Day 2
When we were working on our cutting project with the saw it was hard and that it takes lots of strength and determination to get the job done. I also learn that measuring once cutting twice is really important when it came to our measurement in making accurate cuts. If you want to learn how to hand saw you want to first start off making a slit in the wood where you want to cut. Then you extend your arm fully then pul back to your chest making sure that your hand is way from the wood and a couple people holding it in the back to make sure it doesn't move. We had a long talk about the angle that will be important when we are constructing the ga ga pit and it is 67.5 and that is the angle that for each side of the pit.
Posted by mike at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
First Day On The Job
The first thing we did today what the difference is in a section view and a plan view.The first one is that it is a side view and the second view is the top view. We did our saftey skit about not using tools when an audult isn't around, then we told what we were suppose to do. I also found out that a japennese saw cuts when you pull the blade back and an amrican one is when it cuts when you push forward. Then when learned an important saying meausure once cut twice. What that means to me is that double chech what you do be fore you do it.
Posted by mike at 3:16 PM 0 comments
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